Gastight Suits
The Trellchem® gastight/Level A suit range offers the highest performing chemical protective clothing in the world including single-skin suits certified to the most demanding standards in both America and Europe.
Trellchem gastight suits come in different designs to fit all customers' needs
Tactical Suits
Duties of the law enforcement community have become much more complex and challenging with the realization of new kind of threats, as introduced by the 9/11 attacks in 2001. Today, law enforcement teams on all national levels are expected to take active roles in the response to terrorism and potential terrorist threats.
The personal protective equipment (PPE) used by these responders consequently needs to be adapted to fulfill the special demands and requirements set forth by close contact with various CBRN substances, while at the same time not limiting the ability for adequate response. To be truly effective, PPE equipment intended for safekeeping of law enforcement personnel must consider and put focus on both garment material, as well as garment design and comfort.
Splash Suits
All TrellchemĀ® Splash suits offer effective protection from liquid chemical splashes in situations where a gastight suit is not required. The suits are certified to the latest standard EN 14605.All TrellchemĀ® Splash suits offer effective protection from liquid chemical splashes in situations where a gastight suit is not required. The suits are certified to the latest standard EN 14605.
PAPR Suits
This Trellchem® suit type is intended for use with a Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR), which makes it possible to work longer hours and with less weight to carry.
Air Fed Garments
The Trellchem® range of Air-Fed garments includes both gastight Freeflow suits and liquid tight Freeflow hoods.
Training Suits
Frequent training is necessary to maintain preparedness, but do not wear out the real suits before you need them. Instead use a Trelltrain suit!
As well as offering the highest quality in protective clothing that meet customer requirements, TrellchemĀ® also provides a range of useful accessories.
CPS Protective Suits - Tesimax
VS 5 Serie
VS 20 Series
GS 3(M) series
VSF 5/20 series
VSF 21 series
ESK series
ESK 1 T plus
CPS Accessories